
10 thoughts on “Guestbook”

  1. I had the pleasure of viewing your photo collection today at the visitor center in the wildlife refuge. Your pictures are beautiful and inspiring. I purchased a calendar to remember your work. Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

  2. Randy, Wow–I wondered what you have been doing with yourself. I am still growing most of the Adeniums you traded me years ago. Most are still bonsai pots and just lovely.
    Wishing you all the success you deserve from your never-ending efforts to increase awareness of the beauty of nature.
    Daughter still in gymnastics?
    Cacti Ed from TGF

    • Thanks Ed. Good to hear you are still enjoying Adeniums. I miss growing things a little bit. Love having the freedom to travel more. 🙂

      Our daughter retired from gymnastics at 16 and she got married two years ago. She grew up without my permission. 🙂

  3. Your pictures are lovely Randy! I also enjoy the refuge immensely. I go all the time. I have hundreds of pictures. I’m so jealous of your elk and otter pictures! I’ve rarely seen elk and I’ve never seen otter out there. Most photographers are secretive about where they get their shots. Anyway, I love your work and I’ll look at the Visitor’s Center next time I’m out there.


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